How generics can be used in Class Factories

Lets see how generics can be used to create generic interface for class factories.

public class GenericFactory <E>
Class<E> thisClass=null;

public GenericFactory (Class iclass)
this.thisClass = iclass;

public E createInstance() throws IllegalAccessException,InstantiationException{

The <E> is a type token that signals that this class has a type set when instantiated.

public class Myclass {

void print()

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {

GenericFactory<Myclass> factory = new GenericFactory<Myclass>(Myclass.class);
Myclass myclass= factory.createInstance();

Output:-  Hellooo

We can see that, it is not necessary to cast the object returned from the factory.createInstance().


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